What’s the Haps?
Leadership Burbank threw it way back to the 90s, and we are so grateful for all of our guests and sponsors. Ya’ll are da bomb dot com! Thank you for partying like it’s 1995 and helping LB to kick off our 30th Anniversary year, beginning in 2025!
Big props to Nickelodeon Animation Studios West for hosting our party and donating all of the décor and furniture for our homies to lounge on! Thank you to our MC, Lisa Donahey, for keepin’ us real all night long and leading all of our fundraising activities! Thank you Disney VoluntEARS for always volunteering and always serving our community!
Thank you to Love Catering, for their delicious cuisine that threw it way back to the 90s and elevated everyone’s taste buds. Didn’t you think the Diamante Tequila tasting was so fresh? How totally rad was our DJ Wickety Wilke, who played some totally tubular throwback jams that had us dancing the night away? Give a shout out to Jennie Ford and her dancers for showin’ us how it’s done on the dance floor and engaging guests in some fly dance moves! Booyah!
This party was all that and and a bag of chips!
Thank you to our Totally Rad Sponsors:
There is still time to donate to support LB. Whether you donate $30,000, $3,000, $300, or $30 for our 30th anniversary, ALL donations are appreciated!!
Donate online today by clicking this link:
Why did we call on all of our LB family to join us?
Leadership Burbank has been a part of the Burbank community for almost 30 years and our impact – through our class projects – has supported almost every aspect of Burbank, investing over a million dollars in goods, facility improvements, and life-impacting services. Plus, our 600+ alumni are in elected and volunteer leadership positions all throughout the city. We are totally local and totally committed to Burbank. The LB Board adopted a three year strategic plan this year and this event helped us get that much closer to reaching our year one goals.
We totally needed our LB family to help us reach our goals and they DID! Thank you for helping us begin the celebration of our 30th Anniversary Year!
Thank you to all of our guests for joining us! Please send us your fav pics by emailing chair@leadershipburbank.org
All proceeds benefit Leadership Burbank, a local charity that provides educational and motivational programs for current and emerging leaders in our mission to build a better Burbank.