- Please list your current employer/occupation, your class year, the name of your class project and your role in making the project happen.
Burbank Community YMCA. Class of 2009. Courthouse Mural: Shaping a Child’s View of Justice. I helped produce the accompanying video of our project process.
- What has been your career path since completing LB? Special or noteworthy accomplishments?
LB helped launch my career in a fundamental way. I always had some leadership chops, but not nearly enough confidence. I decided to leave the faith-based sector for a career in nonprofit management. That career move led to continuous advancement in operations and eventually to the CEO seat for our local YMCA.
- How has LB helped in other areas of your life?
LB has connected me to other leaders who are also trying to solve really challenging community issues, many of whom I now call friends. It has inspired me to work together in partnerships and collaborations designed to build a better Burbank for everyone.
- Was there anything you picked up in LB that might have helped you in dealing with the pandemic?
The relationships that I have built over the years with other leaders were critical when things got difficult. I needed everyone in my network: healthcare leaders, school leaders, nonprofit leaders, faith leaders, small businesses leaders, large business leaders, city government leaders, and county government leaders. LB prepared me to be on “team community” to help move society forward.
- What are your hopes for future classes of LB and how they may continue to impact the community?
My hope for future classes is that participants will come to sharpen their exact brand of leadership so that when an opportunity or need presents itself, they will be ready.