Leadership Burbank, Class of ‘23 shifted the paradigm on plastic by raising money to install bottle filling stations at Burbank Unified School District (BUSD) Elementary Schools
REUSE water containers
Add REFILL stations to support BUSD
RETHINK the future of our city & planet
Thank you to everyone who supported
the Leadership Burbank Class of 2022- 2023!
Alex Acevedo
City of Burbank
Ava Alexandar
Burbank Community YMCA
Hasmik Badalian Collins
City of Los Angeles
Calvin Clark
Burbank Water and Power
Holli Cusumano
Cusumano Real Estate Group
Anthony DeFrenza
Hollywood Burbank Airport
Brent Fekety
Burbank Police Department
Dena Giron
Valley Funeral Home
Darian Gonzalez-Kessler
Nickelodeon Animation Studio
Rowena Gonzalez
Providence Saint Joseph Medical Center
Rita Greenspan
Burbank Y Child Development Center
Bryan Homyak
Providence Saint Joseph Medical Center
Krystal Lee
Home Again L.A.
Maggie McEldowney
Warner Bros. Discovery Inc.
Artin Megerdichian
City of Burbank
Serli Mehrabian
Boys and Girls Club of Burbank and Greater East Valley
Dena Moon
City of Burbank
Carol Nunez
Hilton Garden Inn
Kyle Porter
Hollywood Burbank Airport
Oscar Portillo Jr.
Eckert and Ziegler Isotope Products
Victoria Torigian
Law Office of Victoria K. Torigian
Alvaro Valdez
City of Burbank
Rick Vonk
Burbank Unified School District
Tina Wright
Bur-Cal Management
Lauren Zaslansky Conner
LB 23’s Class Project: Reuse, Refill, Rethink
LB23 Media:
- On the Town: Leadership Burbank Makes a Difference with Class Project
- Burbank Rotary Foundation Supports LB Class Project
- Leadership Burbank Seeks to Help in Battling Plastic Waste
- Leadership Burbank to Donate Water Bottle Filling Station to Burbank Schools
Let’s Dive In:
OUR GOAL: To purchase and install bottle filling stations in partnership with BUSD’s elementary schools!
Bottle filling stations promote the use of reusable bottles, and will help keep Burbank beautiful with the reduction of plastic litter.
As a community, more than 16,700,000 single-use plastic water bottles could be removed from the waste system if everyone in Burbank switched to reusable water bottles. Let’s get started with BUSD and support the generation that is going to live in our community for years to come!
Why this Matters:
Our plastic pollution is a problem for future generations, here’s why:
- Enough plastics enter the ocean annually to cover every foot of coastline on earth.
- Plastic injures and kills millions of animals every year.
- Every 30 seconds, 1 person dies of diseases from plastic and waste.
- Despite being “recyclable” even at their most broken down, plastics are forever. Microplastics are present in our earth, water, and even food.
- For more information on the impact of plastic, check out the Plastic Pollution coalition.
Let’s create a ripple effect for clean, sustainable change in our community
…water you waiting for?
How you can help?
- Download our information sheet and help us create a ripple effect and rethink the future of our city & planet. Together, we can help Burbank swim in the right direction…
The mission of Leadership Burbank is to identify, educate, and motivate current and emerging leaders in Burbank to develop ideas and solutions that make Burbank a strong, sustainable, and vibrant community. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, all donations are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law. Tax ID# 91-2168014